Tuesday, January 24, 2012

wish upon a shooting star

In the serenity of the night
in the darkest shadow of dusit thani hotel
i was walking with my friends,
it was too cold so we held on tight to each others arms
making some noise, talking too loud
then suddenly silence begins for a minute
then i excitedly said, gently breaking the silence
i  pointed my finger at the sky “look!”
because the magic started, all of us stood in amazement,
screaming too loud,
it was a shooting star  and it was pure and utter bliss.
When you look at something for a long time,
your perspective starts to change
that’s when ideas started shooting through my head like that star.
Lighting up out of nowhere,
slowly, the sky started to glide i couldn’t see the vast infinity of it anymore
Suddenly, the sky ended at my fingertips
as if I could almost touch it and stride my fingers all along that little sparkling shooting star
i smiled at the thought of restricting something so endless
so misunderstood, so unbelievably
we asked each other if we had wish upon that shooting star
,, uhhmmp i made only one wish, just one though i want more :)
You’ll probably think I’m completely crazy
because i believed about wishing upon a shooting star
i didn’t want to abuse the stars i just need this wish to constantly come true and I’ll be more than satisfied
i was frightened that if I had made more than one wish,
id be considered greedy and have my desire ignored
i don’t think I remember the last time we friends gathered over something alone.
we later came home, for it was too late. However, we were determined on not missing out.
actually , that night was a teary night for me because another blue turns gray
but when i saw that shooting star,
i felt cozy
then i told my mom about this and she said "shooting stars are gold"
hehe ,, i just smiled :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Missing my Cellphone :'(

  FUCK ! IM MISSING MY CELLPHONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 COZ IT WAS STOLEN  damn dat bitch ! HUhuhu

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Firework :)))


weLL,, before new yr,, it was my moms bday!! yeahh itx her day dec. 31
so we've celebrated it eating lots of foods!! singing too loud ...


Had a wine on my moms bday and new yr :))
i shotted this one .. hws the pic :)))


with my Mom :))  mirror mirror who's the most beautiful between us :)

  with my gurlfrens at home :)

ME  .............   hehe :)

"Years will pass..memories would last. Cherish the good ones and ignore what gives pain..Celebrate New Year in a cheerful spirit, by not regretting or feeling proud of gains."
happy new everyone:)

cheers !! everyone !!!

itx 2012!! already yeah!!